Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Gold rush
There's gold in California still,
it's not all been stripped away!
It must have run down from the rivers and hills, -
I saw it myself in the Bay.
Monday, January 30, 2012
You never can count on a bubble,
'cuz they're only around for a while.
But I'm still very fond of bubbles,
'cuz they always can make me smile.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Birch trees
Birch trees are always dramatic,
somehow they're fashioned that way.
I saw some last night at the ballet,
in a setting that blew me away.
What is it that captures my fancy?
They're straight, and upstanding and tall,
with no need of flowers or branches, -
they are what they are,and that's all!
Saturday, January 28, 2012
The trouble with creating offspring,
whatever your species or race,
there's always a noisy teen-ager
demanding to take your place.
Friday, January 27, 2012
I'm glad in some species it's proper..
(though some fellows may call it obscene)
That a king can accept his position
Below and behind his queen.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
back pack
We all have our problems with aging, -
the energy that we lack.
But at least we don't have the burden
of barnacles on our back!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
The cormorant army's convening
It's stretching across the bay.
It looks like they're planning a fly-by
But they have to decide which way.
Now a signal comes through and they line up
One call and they all sally forth, -
Heading like hell for the southland,
then they all spin around and head north.
I am awed by their disciplined order,
as their passages darken the sky.
But I can't help asking the question:
Who gives the signal - and why?
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
It's touching to witness a courtship like this,
but I'm crowded with pigeons galore.
So I had to shoo off the romancing pests
before they made any more!
Monday, January 23, 2012
My view of myself is dissolving,
My identity's all in a muddle.
Will I find I'm a new kind of person -
or just melt away in a puddle??
Sunday, January 22, 2012
the mud puddlle's story
I'm really not just a mud puddle
Though others may think me that way.
But, given our changeable weather,
I can change what I look like each day.
I'm just a small rut in the road to start,
Nobody notices me.
Then a quick rainstorm will turn me to mud, -
A nuisance for all to see.
Mud puddles are nothing but trouble, they think.
then my puddle begins to clear.
Now look, there's a picture reflecting in it ,
soft clouds begin to appear.
Look again, and you'll see it get brighter.
as the clouds give way for the sun.
Now the walkers all stop to admire me
and praise me for what I have done!
Now I know I'll be losing my luster
After the raining is done.
Then it's back to the road rut for Buster,
but I've had my day in the sun!
Saturday, January 21, 2012
You're always so sweet and seductive
when you're wearing your mantel of blue.
Why can't I remember
that you can get angry too?!
Friday, January 20, 2012
He reigns from the top of the flagpole.
with his wonderful little cocked hat.
It must be a wonderful feeling
To be king of the world like that!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
to a lonely bench
LIke my grandma, you're patiently waiting,
with your artwork displayed at your back;
just sitting, and waiting, and hoping,
for someone to sit in your lap.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Hearts were breaking today at the feeder.
The birds won't forget, I'm afraid.
I bought the wrong seeds at the Safeway,
and oh what a difference it made!
I watched as they came in for breakfast,
but for each it was always the same.
A sad little chirp and they flew off, -
and I wept, knowing I was to blame.
Then, seeing them leaving, I wondered, -
which of us suffered the most?
Was it I, who had caused them such heartache,-
or the birds who lost faith in their host?
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
tree talk
Weathered old bark of a tree,
but look how he's looking at me!
Old in the eyes, but ever so wise,
May that be a lesson for me!
Monday, January 16, 2012
climbing the wall
Is there a race to the top, do you think, -
Something to challenge them all?
Do they get marks for each shoot they send out ?
Or how fast they can cover the wall?
Sunday, January 15, 2012
the end?
What if my life ended just like that, -
a single black pod on a tree?
What if a simple container like that, -
was all that was left of me?
What if someday someone opened me up, -
what would they find inside?
A little too little that's humble, I fear,
a little too much of pride.
(for Jan 10)
a single black pod on a tree?
What if a simple container like that, -
was all that was left of me?
What if someday someone opened me up, -
what would they find inside?
A little too little that's humble, I fear,
a little too much of pride.
(for Jan 10)
If I were a fish
would I feel a shiver
when I saw the shadow,
twisting and turning.
and then just...
Would I know
this would be
my last
would I feel a shiver
when I saw the shadow,
twisting and turning.
and then just...
Would I know
this would be
my last
the last leaf
Dogged, determined, he'd won his last bet,
smiled as the lesser leaves fell,
Now he's triumphant, the final survivor,
awaiting the victory bell.
But who is there now to applaud him, -
to share all the cold and the snow?
Too late now to moan in his anguish
the victor 's victory is vanquished!
(for Jan 8)
The leaves seem to arrange themselves
In a pattern that's almost like lace.
Do you think they've been given a challenge
to stitch in a corner of space?
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Looming out of the landscape
like monsters from out of the past...
from China, they say, are they headed this way
to kill competition at last??
But no, these are gentle creatures
their mission is not disaster.
Their cranes are bigger than our cranes,
so they help build our bridges faster.
Friday, January 13, 2012
at the feeder
(for Jan 11)
A flurry of wings
and they sail in to feed;
nudging and pushing
for their share of seed.
most of them different,
but all look the same
the challenge is always to find out their names
sparrows and warblers and towhees and wrens,
chickadees, flycatchers, male birds and hens.
They're all "perching birds"
it says in the book,-
so just close the pages,
just listen - and look
and they sail in to feed;
nudging and pushing
for their share of seed.
most of them different,
but all look the same
the challenge is always to find out their names
sparrows and warblers and towhees and wrens,
chickadees, flycatchers, male birds and hens.
They're all "perching birds"
it says in the book,-
so just close the pages,
just listen - and look
Moon's lament
Don't paint me just pretty.
Don't make me blush from the start.
My powers are potent!
I'm not just a part of your art!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
fortresses guarding their treasures,
like the famed citadels of old.
......But their treasure was gold
like the famed citadels of old.
......But their treasure was gold
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